CBD Oil for Dogs: A Comprehensive Guide to Pet Owner

We all want our dogs to live happy, healthy lives. And when they’re in pain, we want them to be able to find relief quickly and effectively.

A recent trend in medicine has seen veterinarians turn more towards holistic therapies that are aimed at treating the underlying cause of the problem rather than simply treating the symptoms with drugs. It’s important to keep in mind that CBD oil is different from hemp oil, so it’s important to set the record straight. Hemp oil contains only trace amounts of cannabinoids, whereas CBD oil is rich in cannabidiol (CBD) and can be made into a variety of products for dogs.

What is CBD oil?

Cannabidiol, or CBD , is one of over 60 compounds found in cannabis that belong to a class of ingredients called cannabinoids. Of these compounds, CBD has no THC, the ingredient found in cannabis that makes users feel “high.” Unlike THC, CBD is completely non-psychoactive.

Industrial Hemp Oil is also rich in CBD (cannabidiol) , and contains some of the same terpenes as those found in cannabis strains with 20:1 CBD to THC ratios. However, unlike popular cannabis strains that can contain up to 30% THC, Industrial Hemp Oil has a maximum of only 0.3% THC. This very small amount is not enough to get even the most sensitive person high after consuming it.

Industrial hemp typically contains higher concentrations of CBD than CBD-rich cannabis strains. Although cannabis has traditionally been grown for its fiber and seeds, hemp has been grown more recently for its CBD. In fact, industrial hemp is not cultivated for its flowers but instead the stalks, seed and fibre.

How CBD oil works?

CBD works by interacting with your dog’s endocannabinoid system , or ECS. The ECS is responsible for regulating many critical functions including appetite, pain sensation, mood, and memory. If your dog’s ECS is not functioning properly, it can result in unwanted symptoms including digestive upset, aggression , or lethargy. The good news is the ECS is relatively easy to support with CBD oil.

What conditions can CBD help?

Determined by Thedailyworld.com , CBD has been shown to be useful for treating arthritis, diabetes, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), epilepsy, antibiotic-resistant infections, nausea and chronic pain. CBD has also been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth when injected into breast and brain tumors in mice.

CBD oil is not a cure for any of these conditions, but it can help your dog live a higher quality of life.

How do you dose CBD oil?

The best way to determine a dosing regimen is by starting with a very small amount and working your way up as needed. To give you an idea of what this looks like, below are examples of CBD dosages from our CBD Oil for Dogs Guide . Remember, these dosage amounts should be spread out throughout the day.

Dehydration is another major concern for dogs, especially in the summer months. Make sure your dog always has access to fresh water and watch for signs of overheating such as heavy panting, difficulty breathing, lethargy , and vomiting.


These are just a few of the many ailments that CBD oil can treat in dogs. If your dog is suffering from an illness or injury and you’re considering CBD oil for dogs , talk with your veterinarian on how to proceed.